Welcome to the blog

Hello, traveller, it seems you’ve stumbled upon my blog. Firstly, welcome! Secondly, you’re a little early, there’s not much to see here just yet, but like most I have high hopes and dreams of writing some quality blog posts for the community. How well this will play out I’m not sure, but here we are. It’s a start, right?

So, a little about me. My name is Sam Turrell and I’m currently based in York, UK. I am primarily a frontend web developer, but am also fairly well versed in backend development using the Laravel PHP framework.


I’m currently the Lead Frontend Developer at a digital agency called netsells, and I love my job and the people I work with. We are currently located in the center of York, UK. We produce a range of high quality digital content, including bespoke web applications, mobile apps and general marketing and design.

Outside of my development life (in the rare moments I have free time), I enjoy gaming on my PS4, primarily racers and First Person Shooters. I’m also a big movie and TV fan and I enjoy anything Marvel/DC Comics related.

You may be wondering what I, a humble web developer, can offer you, the gracious reader, in order for you to want to return here and peruse my quality content? Well, I hope to cover a range of topics of interest to me, and hopefully to you. Obviously as a developer my main focus will be commentary on the web development eco-system, covering tools, packages, languages and general news.

So, please stick around if any of the above interests you. Feel free to get in touch on any of my web platforms, but I think twitter is pretty great. You can tweet me at @SamTurrellDev for general development chat, or @SamTurrell for more personal babbling.

So without further ado, let’s get this show on the road. Wubba lubba dub dub.

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